A dance with the tax man


Is the tax man unrelenting and hot on your heels? Are you subject for tax investigation by the HMRC? Well look no further and seek the services of a tax solicitor. Due to the increasing appetite of the HMRC to launch investigations people that pose a possibility of them collecting some additional liability, more people wind up in the loop of tax investigations. Here is where tax solicitors come in to avoid the occurrence of such a situation. Tax solicitors ease out the process combating some of your stress for you leading to the best possible outcomes eventually. Do not hesitate to ask for the services of a tax solicitor if the HMRC is on to you.

Tax lawyers are also perfect when it comes to dealing with COP 9 cases. These cases are opened when the HMRC suspects you of fraud and in no wise leave a good image to your personality or business. When issued with COP 9 form from the HMRC you are given immunity from criminal prosecution if you agree to disclose fully all irregularities. You must however stop any tax evasions immediately to avoid any further penalties liable to payment to the HMRC.

Most of the employers and other advisors habitually seek the second opinions of rulings by the HMRC and this is where tax solicitors come in since in second opinions, one can be able to have ground for appeal and even subsequently penalty mitigation of the verdict issued by the HMRC.

Statistically, there is a 75% chance of losing in court at a tribunal hearing with the HMRC and therefore definitely require the services of a good tax solicitor for proper representation in court. It is very difficult to win a case at an appeal tribunal therefore do not let the case pass the first hearing. This can be easily avoided by making voluntary disclosures to avoid criminal prosecutions in the first place. If it comes to worst the tax solicitors can give tips of winning in an appeal tribunal such as using alternative dispute resolution services, bank on case law: that is previous verdicts on similar cases to yours and having dependable witnesses to testify the facts for you.

If you have assets offshore, you are also liable to taxation by the UK government. For people with assets and properties offshore you ought to protect them through the Liechtenstein Disclosure Agreement. This enables people with assets round the globe to update their tax affairs with ease and avoid deep investigations. This facility can also be used to make disclosures of any pending liabilities. To enter in this agreement you need to have had investments in Liechtenstein by the time of application.

When making a disclosure to the Liechtenstein Disclosure Facility, ensure that you give your tax returns pack to the HMRC soonest possible. Also in making disclosures ensure that you are eligible to use these facilities and you also have tax liability. Most importantly, apply to register to the HMRC to be able to make a disclosure. Be in line with the tax man today.